
  • How to Teach Spelling: Strategies for Helping Your Students

    How to teach spelling to students is a question that is on all the mind of teachers. Teaching spelling to students with disabilities can seriously be tricky. In fact, without explicit instruction in phonemes and graphemes, spelling is TOUGH! While reading the book Speech to Print, I was blown away by this quote. “Linguist, speech-language […]


  • 5 Quick Things to Do After Reading Together in a Small Group

    This just my opinion, but I think AFTER reading together in a small group is when the hard stuff happens. When we are doing pre-reading or during reading activities we naturally support our students. After reading though, we expect our students to go straight into independent work. We go from a high level of support […]


  • Quick Activities to Do When Reading Together in a Small Group

    The purpose of activities DURING reading is is monitor understand. You can do this in a variety of ways. These quick activities to do when reading together in a small group are perfect for helping students monitor their understanding while reading. Support My Statement This is one of my FAVORITE quick activities to do when […]


  • Quick Activities to Do Before Reading

    There are different ways to set your students up for success before you even begin reading. The main mission before reading is to build background knowledge and give students a purpose for reading. Below, you’ll five five quick activities to do before reading to set a good foundation for your students. Background Bubbles Background bubbles […]


  • How to Help Improve Comprehension in Fluent Readers

    Have you ever had a student who reads so beautifully, but then struggles to comprehend what they’ve read? I spent the first few years of teaching wondering how to help them. They could read the text. Why couldn’t they understand it?! I struggled with how to improve comprehension in fluent readers. With a few years […]