
  • Low Expressive & Receptive Scores: How to Help Your Students

    How do low scores in expressive and receptive language impact our students’ ability to do math? For a long time, I think I zoned out when the SLP was sharing the results of her scores on evaluations. But, not anymore! I’m see that these areas can impact a student’s ability to complete classroom tasks. Our […]


  • Memory Difficulties: How to Help Students Conquer Them

    What is working memory? Working memory is the ability to hold information in the brain and do something with it. For example, this is the skill that is needed to help us remember a phone number that we heard on the radio and then dial it on our phone thirty seconds later. Causes for Poor […]


  • Motor and Spatial Disabilities: How to Help Students Conquer Them

    What is a motor perceptual disability? Students with difficulty in this area have a hard time coordinating their eyes to their hand movements. They often have a hard time holding, moving, or using a crayon or pencil. They might may seem very uncoordinated. Below, you’ll find examples of things you might see students with motor […]


  • 5 Special Education Strategies for Solving Addition Math Facts

    Oh, math facts! Our students, whether they have disabilities or not, struggle to master them. How can we help? I believe that we can strategically break up math facts to help our students tackle them in smaller chucks. I also believe that we have to teach students good strategies for solving addition facts on their […]


  • 7 Special Education Math Routines You Should Be Doing Every Day

    Routines are key. We need to have simple things that we do without even thinking about them to help our students grow. Each of these math routines can be integrated into things that you are already doing each day. 1. Number Sense Number sense is a complicated skill for some students to master. Consider intregrating […]