
  • Learn Like a Pirate {Improvement Focus vs. Grade Focus}

    Hey there, Pirate Friends!  I’ve been hooked on this book since I picked it up but this chapter really spoke to my heart.  I can’t really explain why but I believe that it just plays to my special education side.  In special education, you see kids work hard day in and day out.  They make […]


  • Learn Like a Pirate {Peer Collaboration}

    Now that we’ve learned what a student-led classroom is and addressed a few common concerns, it’s time to dive into the heart of the PIRATE acronym.  P stands for Peer Collaboration.  In my classroom, I do my best to provide so many opportunities for peer collaboration.  Although I provide these opportunities, reading this chapter opened […]


  • Building Mathematical Comprehension {Chapter 1}

    I am so excited to begin reading the book Building Mathematical  Comprehension by Laney Sammons.  I have owned this book for over a year but have been so swamped with working on school related things that I haven’t had a chance to just sit down and read!  Right now, I’m blogging from a beautiful cabin […]


  • Teaching with Intention! {Chapter Two}

    I’m going to start off by warning you that this is a longer post but it is one of the most CRITICAL parts of the book.  I know right, this is only chapter two and we’re getting deep here!  Before reading on, take a second to jot down a few of your beliefs in education. […]


  • Tell all Tuesday! {Two Truths and a Lie!}

    Hey there!  Thanks for stopping by to check out my two truths and a lie!  What a fun way to get to know a great group of bloggers.  So, here is goes…. 1.  I have written a children’s book with my daughter.  2.  I have been to all fifty states. 3.  I hate buttons. Can […]