Amanda Wilp

  • 5 Special Education Strategies for Solving Addition Math Facts

    Oh, math facts! Our students, whether they have disabilities or not, struggle to master them. How can we help? I believe that we can strategically break up math facts to help our students tackle them in smaller chucks. I also believe that we have to teach students good strategies for solving addition facts on their […]


  • 7 Special Education Math Routines You Should Be Doing Every Day

    Routines are key. We need to have simple things that we do without even thinking about them to help our students grow. Each of these math routines can be integrated into things that you are already doing each day. 1. Number Sense Number sense is a complicated skill for some students to master. Consider intregrating […]


  • Teaching Spelling: How can I help students become independently spellers?

    Becoming an independent speller is a tough job for our students. After all, it is a task that requires our students to process multiple skills at one time. In my mind, they go group several “levels” as they work toward independently spelling words that follow typical spelling patterns. I love watching my students develop their […]


  • How to Teach Morphemes: from Basic Endings to Greek & Latin Roots

    Morphemes might sound a little overwhelming, but they are actually quite simple. Morphemes are a small units of language. I had this idea that morphemes were these scary Greek and Latin roots. And while those are certainly *part* of it, it’s so much more simple than that. We can help our students become better readers, […]


  • Teaching Spelling: How to Understand and Teach Vowel Teams & Syllables

    Teaching students to spell words with vowel teams and multiple syllables used to *really* intimidate me. And if vowel teams and syllable types intimidated me, how do you think our students feel? Below, you’ll find a few tips and tricks to help reduce the intimidation factor and making teaching words with vowel teams and multiple […]