Amanda Wilp

  • Shades of Meaning: a Simple and Effective Activity to Build Vocabulary

    This is seriously one of my favorite vocabulary activities. The discussions that my students and I have had about words while doing this activity have been so powerful. Choose Two Antonyms To begin, choose two antonyms. For this particular activity, our vocabulary word was serious. In advance, I wrote silly and serious on two Post-It […]


  • 3 Daily Routines to Help Students Master Decoding CVC Word IEP Goals

    If you teach elementary special education like me, you probably have a LOT of students with decoding goals. For our little ones, it is often times a goal to help them work on mastering reading words with a Consonant-Vowel-Consonant (CVC) pattern. Here are three routines that I do DAILY to help my students read words […]


  • 3 Steps for Selecting the Perfect IEP Goal

    As special education teachers, one of our most important tasks is choosing the perfect IEP goal for our students. That process can be incredibly overwhelming though. Here are my three simple steps for selecting the perfect IEP goal. Step 1: Assessment In my opinion, assessment is key to writing the best IEP goal possible. Not […]


  • 5 Sight Word Centers for Special Education Students to Do Independently

    For our special education students, we know that they working independently can be difficult, both in the general education classroom and in the resource room. In my opinion, working on sight words that have been mastered is a great opportunity for an activity our students can complete successfully. Using the words in their “Words I […]