Writing the perfect IEP goals is literally the starting point for so many things that we do as special education teachers.
Write a bad one, and you’re gonna pay for it for the rest of the year.
And trust me, we’ve all written bad ones. Sometimes more than once. 🥴
Crappy Computation Goal
Why I Dislike This IEP Goal:
- How many digits will these addition and subtraction problems include?
- Do these problems contain regrouping?
- Should they get them right or just “solve” them?
- How many problems should I give to them? One? Five? One hundred?
Improved Computation Goal
Why I Prefer This IEP Goal:
- I know exactly how many problems to ask my student to solve.
- I love that I know how many digits the numbers in these addition problems will include.
- This goal also lets me know that they student is working to master regrouping.
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