I begin by using PowerPoint to create images with the content that I plan to teach. Depending on the skill, I can usually knock these out fairly quickly. After I have completed my slides. I save the entire PowerPoint as PNG images. You can do this by going to File > Save As > Format > PNG. I will be working over the next several weeks to upload everything that I have created for my own videos to my TpT Store to *hopefully* save you some time if you are interested in getting started.

The files, will show up like the image above. I select the first image by clicking on it.

By holding my finger on the image, I am able to save the image to my Camera Roll by clicking “Save Image”. By swiping to the left, I can scroll through and save all of the images from my PowerPoint.

Next, I open the Educreations app. This is where all of my hard work comes together and allows learning to happen! By clicking on the plus sign at the top of the page, you can begin a new video.

In the Educreations app, you will insert the images you have saved to your Camera Roll. To do this, click the plus sign shown above. You will also have to select the “Mountain” image in the center of your options. Then select Camera Roll. All of the images in your Camera Roll will be displayed as options for you to insert into your video.

After inserting my image, I like to click “Fit Height” so that it covers the entire height of the Educreations screen. By clicking on the small arrow in the bottom right hand corner, I can move to the next page and insert more images to complete my video.
After inserting all images, I click the orange microphone at the top to begin recording. As I teach, I can use the pen or eraser to add to the images as I work out the problems or write steps for students to follow.

By clicking on the image above, you can grab the images for Expanded Form to use in creating your own videos as well as a PowerPoint version if you don’t have the technology to create a video but wish to use these images for PowerPoint presentations on an Interactive White Board.
In the video above, I have a short video from me to YOU! This is not for your students to learn about expanded form but rather a video for you to learn about some essential things that I include in my videos and how the logistics of the videos work in my classroom!
OMG!! Amanda you are AMAZING!!! This is SO much easier than making the educreations video as you go!!
Thank you!
Kickin It Whole Brain In Texas
You're welcome! I hope to upload more images and such in the near future to help speed it up and ease the process even more!!! 🙂
Perfect timing for this….the dark lets me have time to play around with learning this while in my sweats. Thanks so much!
Haha! Exactly! Break is perfect for new ideas. 🙂
This is awesome! We just got the Educreations app on our ipads and I'm so excited about doing this next week! Thank you!!
A Tall Drink of Water
It is seriously my most used app, hands down. So simple, yet so very effective! I hope you enjoy this and can put it to good use.
I have been dying to 'flip' my math class. I am pinning this to make sure I remember how to use your amazing tips. Thank you so much!
My Second Sense
You're welcome! Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!!! I'd love to help. 🙂
OMG Amanda your accent is soooo cute! I loved listening to you! Not to mention, this blog post was so helpful! xoxo
Melissa from Mrs. Dailey's Classroom
Ahhh! I hate the sound of my own voice, Melissa! But thanks! 🙂
Where in your store would we find the images you uploaded? I love this! Thanks for sharing!
You really need to sell all these for us "tech challenged" teachers!