
  • Math Videos 101!

    For the past two years, my husband and I have been using math videos to “flip” our classrooms.  We have thoroughly enjoyed the process and have seen HUGE gains in our students.  We make and use math videos to deliver instruction rather than standing at the front of the classroom and teaching.  Last year, I […]


  • Finding Perimeter & Area of Irregular Figures

    I’ll be honest, I HATE working on perimeter and area of irregular figures!  It is such a challenge for students and the perfectionist in me can’t deal with the mess that these drawings quickly turn into.  This year, I did something extremely basic but so close to my heart; color coding!!!  I have found this […]


  • Math Warm Ups!

    What morning procedures do you have each day?  I have the standard ones, such as turn in homework, sharpen pencils, and go to the restroom.  From there, rather than the typical morning work that I have previously used, I have began to implement Math Warm Ups.  If you followed my Guided Math Book Study this […]


  • Math Journals!

    This year, I have tried to put a strong emphasis on having my students be able to describe the processes and concepts behind each of our skills that we work on.  I’m not going to lie, this has been HARD! As I plan for each unit, I develop a prompt to support the daily skill […]


  • Inside My Flipped Classroom!

    Hey there!  Did anyone notice that I have fallen off the blog planet lately?  You know how the first several weeks are perfect and you have everything planned, copied, and ready to go…then real life hits you and you are SwAmPeD?!?!?!  That has been me these last couple of days!  But today, I had to […]


  • Using Technology to Create Meaningful Independent Practice!

    Shhhhhew!  Today is the first day of my second week of school.  I always seem to forget how exhausting the first week of school is.  The good news is that I survived my first week in general education and am excited to see what this school year brings me! Today, we were able to finally […]