What morning procedures do you have each day? I have the standard ones, such as turn in homework, sharpen pencils, and go to the restroom. From there, rather than the typical morning work that I have previously used, I have began to implement Math Warm Ups. If you followed my Guided Math Book Study this summer, you know that Math Stretches are part of Laney Sammon’s Guided Math philosophy. {On a side note, I LOVE her!}

At the beginning of the year, I began using Math Warms Ups to start our day by using chart paper and scented markers. {Side note, thank you Sentos! You make math even better!!!} I would pose a question related to the topic that they had from the previous night’s homework. In the picture above, my students had watched a math video for homework about multiplying three-digit by three-digit numbers. Why not begin the following day with a little warm up to refresh and wake up our minds?!?! In this particular warm up (and many others), each student creates a component of the problem and they work together to solve it. I really like this because it allows them to self differentiate as well as work cooperatively with others. They typically have different partners each day which allows them to work and help many friends.

After they complete the problem, they record their initials next to their work. I love this because when we meet to discuss the Warm Up after morning announcements, I have them explain what they did to the class. Most of the time, their answers are spot on and I love hearing them put their mathematical actions into words. Other times, they are pretty far off and it provides a chance to teach from common mistakes that students make. Either way, I love it!

As the weeks passed, I realized that I was going to go broke if I kept on the chart paper kick. So I moved the Math Warm Up to the board. The process is the same but no scented markers. *Sniff* The students really seem to enjoy these and I love getting the opportunity to see their ability to follow directions, work as a team, and most of all, review a grade level skill.

After completing these Math Warm Ups on the board {sitting right next to my Promethean Board} for months, I felt like an idiot when I realized….I could do these digitally!!! Duh! So using Power Point, I created Math Warm Ups that are able to be done on our Promethean Board while mastering the same objectives and saving paper, chalk, and lots of time. Plus, what child doesn’t love the opportunity to come write on one of these boards?

Now, if you’re interested in trying these on your own, I have a sample copy with VERY basic Math Warm Ups that you could use to see how they fit into your classroom. These are typically the types of warm ups I use on days where we are in between skills, right before breaks, or other awkward days that just don’t “fit” into a typical warm up.
If you enjoy the sample or think that this is something that you would like to incorporate into your classroom, I also have Math Warm Ups designed for specific skills. I currently have decimals, fractions, and measurement & geometry. They are perfect for complimenting your daily instruction and allowing students to “warm up” their brain before diving into math class! Each set comes with a PDF version of the Warm Ups as well as an editable Power Point for inserting your own Warm Ups.

I'm loving this idea! One question, do you have students pick their own partners or do pick and then change them up?
They change them up at random. Typically, it is whoever happens to be around when they are ready to do the warm up. They all arrive at various times in the morning and get unpacked and settled at different times. This has been one unplanned advantage to doing these. They are ready and willing to work with any other student. 🙂
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