Writing the perfect IEP goals is literally the starting point for so many things that we do as special education teachers.

Write a bad one, and you’re gonna pay for it for the rest of the year.

And trust me, we’ve all written bad ones. Sometimes more than once. 🥴

Crappy Math Fact Goal

Why I Dislike This IEP Goal:

  • What kind of addition problems? Sums within 10? Within 20? Within 100? 1,000?
  • Twenty? WHY? Do you like torture yourself? You can see what students know with far less problems.
  • Where is the timeframe on this goal?

Improved Math Fact Goal

Why I Prefer This IEP Goal:

  • This goal will be able to be monitored in ONE MINUTE! 😍
  • I can clearly see the type of addition problem that my student will be solving.

The Adults | New Special Education Teachers

The Resource Room

Download the New Special Education Teacher Guide so you can have all the tools you need right at your fingertips! ❤️

  1. The Adults | New Special Education Teachers

  2. The Progress Monitoring | New Special Education Teachers

  3. The Checklists | New Special Education Teachers

  4. The Routines | New Special Education Teachers

  5. The Behaviors | New Special Education Teachers