I love the idea of a student-led classroom but I do have my concerns. First, I’ll admit that I am a total control freak. Can I release that power to my kids? I feel that I can but it will take a little learning on both their end and my own.
This chapter took the time to address common concerns about a student-led classroom. While I appreciate the clarification and confidence boost, I loved reading the benefits even more! Solarz believes that having a student-led classroom leads to increased retention due to an increase in student engagement.
Solarz points out what we all know, “children learn best by doing, by questioning, and by figuring out solutions on their own.” How many times in your classroom this year did you give students the opportunity to do all three of these things? Confession time: I find myself answering that question with an embarrassingly low number, zero. Here’s why: I always pose the question. I am always the one giving the task. I can’t think of a time this year where I allowed my students to develop the question and find the answer through research. YIKES!
In my classroom, we do a lot of group work. I feel that my classroom as a strong sense of community. But I can’t imagine how much great my classroom will be if I allow the students to take a more active role in their learning.
What are your concerns about a student-led classroom? I’d love to hear them! 🙂
Amanda, can anyone link up with this book study? I just purchased this book a few weeks ago and would love to link up with my new blog! If you could let me know, I would appreciate it. My email is teachingtoengage[at]gmail.com! Thanks, Alley