Book Study

  • Learn Like a Pirate {Responsibility}

    Is your head spinning with ideas and changes for next year?  I am seriously crazy over the idea of a student-led classroom and this week’s chapter was even more convincing than prior weeks.  The topic of this week’s reading was responsibility.  Before I dive in to talking about the actual reading, I would like to […]


  • Learn Like a Pirate {Peer Collaboration}

    Now that we’ve learned what a student-led classroom is and addressed a few common concerns, it’s time to dive into the heart of the PIRATE acronym.  P stands for Peer Collaboration.  In my classroom, I do my best to provide so many opportunities for peer collaboration.  Although I provide these opportunities, reading this chapter opened […]


  • Building Mathematical Comprehension {Chapter 1}

    I am so excited to begin reading the book Building Mathematical  Comprehension by Laney Sammons.  I have owned this book for over a year but have been so swamped with working on school related things that I haven’t had a chance to just sit down and read!  Right now, I’m blogging from a beautiful cabin […]


  • Teaching with Intention! {Chapter Two}

    I’m going to start off by warning you that this is a longer post but it is one of the most CRITICAL parts of the book.  I know right, this is only chapter two and we’re getting deep here!  Before reading on, take a second to jot down a few of your beliefs in education. […]


  • Teaching with Intention {Chapter One}

    I don’t know about you, but I believe that God puts certain things into your life at just the right time.  While reading Guided Math by Laney Sammons, she referenced the book Teaching with Intention by Debbie Miller and the “feeling of endless time” that Debbie discusses.  I felt so intrigued and just had to […]