Several weeks ago, I received an email from an oh so sweet follower, that asked how I worked in math warm ups, journals, exit tickets, math videos, and task cards into my day. As I answered her question, I knew that many others may have similar questions and this would be a great blog post topic. Although I follow these routines and such everyday, it has taken a while to get my act together in order to create a blog post that really shows and tells what I do each day.
Math Video
Maybe this is the end of my routine….or the beginning. Either way, my Math Videos are my student’s source of instruction and something that really allows me to maximize class time. These videos last between five and ten minutes and are the only math homework that my students have each evening. I love having the opportunity to put technology to work for me and allow students to “take the teacher home with them”.
745-8:15 {Math Warm Up}
Each morning, students participate in a Math Warm Up. This is a simple, yet fun way to begin the day. I pose a “task” for the students to complete. These tasks range from being completely independent, to creating a problem for a friend to solve, as well as working with a friend to create and/or solve a problem. My students seem to enjoy this and it really allows each student to create a problem within their realm of capability.
After the 8:00 announcements, we are able to talk through several (or all, depending on the skill) problems created by the students. This allows us to practice an array of problems designed by them, reinforce any “tricks” or strategies that I taught in the video, discuss any common mistakes made by students, and address any misconceptions that the kids my have.
8:30-8:40 {Exit Tickets}
After completing a few other morning procedures, we are ready to actually begin math for the day. At 8:30, I ask my students to take out their math notes as I pass out Exit Tickets. Each Exit Ticket is designed to compliment their video from the previous night and provide data to assist students who need additional support in a small group. Exit Tickets consist of two to four problems, depending on the skill, and are fabulous indicators of who “has it” and who doesn’t.
As I check the video notes from the previous night for each student, my kids work quietly at solving their Exit Ticket. After I am finished checking their notes, we check the Exit Ticket together. This again, allows me to reteach where needed, provide more examples for strugglers, and address common errors and mistakes.
8:40-9:20 {Small Group & Independent Work Time}
During this time, my students work on what I call “Bubble Pages“. They are simple pages with various independent tasks that I have selected for them based on their mathematical ability. These groupings are fluid as the year progresses and allow for students to work at their level independently, while being accountable for their work.
While all of these students are off working on their tasks, I am able to use my Exit Tickets to create groups based on similar needs. I use task cards to begin tackling small group support driven by data from my Exit Tickets. These task cards also make utilizing special education staff, RTI support, or cadet teachers a breeze. I can hand them a set of task cards, recording sheets, and the Exit Tickets for the students that I would like them to work with. They are able to pull them, address their needs, and move on to the next student or students.
During independent work time, part of their bubble page requires them to complete their Math Journal. Each math journal poses a question based on the skill or topic that was covered in the previous night’s video. These are FABULOUS ways to gauge the understanding that students have on various skills, provide feedback, and ask probing questions, all while prepping for high-stakes testing where they will be required to describe how various tasks are completed or rationalize their strategy for solving a problem. I have also recently began using these prompts on KidBlog….I am seriously in LOVE!
Now, it just wouldn’t be fair of me to leave you with a look at my math routines without allowing you to grab a freebie with a mix of the products I have featured above. By clicking the image above, you can grab a new to add to any Order of Operations unit or get a feel for my various product lines. Remember, I create all four of these types of products in every math skill that I cover. If you like these, be sure to check back for more. 🙂
I keep trying to find your main post about your bubble pages, but I think the link is broken. I'm really interested in how they actually how work in your flow. I'm revamping my math workshop this year. 🙂 Any help or info in appreciated! Thanks!
Simple Insights
Try it now! I think I fixed it! Sorry, I have no clue what happened to that post!!!
Is this conceivable? I trust it is and it is now occurring without anybody monitoring it. pre calculus 30