Classroom Set Up

  • Book Choices: A Classroom Reading Challenge Your Students Will Enjoy

    At our school, our upper elementary students HATED to read.  Accelerated Reader was a BIG deal.  And I don’t mean it’s a big deal in a positive way, but rather everyone felt the pressure to make it happen.  All students were expected to read books within their Zone of Proximal Development, answer questions with 90% […]


  • Together We Are Better {Room Improvements}

    Is it seriously time for the JULY #2getherwearebetter linky?  Although I love writing these posts, they creep up on me too quickly!  This month is all about classroom improvements!  If I had the money, I think I could easily redo my classroom each and every year.  Buuuut, since I don’t have that kind of cash, […]


  • Teaching with Intention! {Chapter Two}

    I’m going to start off by warning you that this is a longer post but it is one of the most CRITICAL parts of the book.  I know right, this is only chapter two and we’re getting deep here!  Before reading on, take a second to jot down a few of your beliefs in education. […]


  • Self-Stick Dry Erase Tutorial!

    Does anyone else have a weird hatred for chalk boards?  I’m weird.  I know it and will freely admit it.  That being said, there are a few textures that I just can’t stand—rubber bands, balloons, and chalk dust to name a few!  My kids even notice that anytime I write in chalk, I immediately run […]


  • Picture of the Day! #classroomstaple

    Each morning, I begin my day with Hello Literacy’s Picture of the Day.  It is seriously #classroomstaple.  It is a necessity for any classroom and kids of all ages can benefit from its daily use. Each morning, I display an image on my Promethean Board for my students to discuss.  At the beginning of the […]


  • Math Center PHOTO Overload!!!!

    Recently, I had a few followers ask about what my room and math centers look like.  I LOVE answering these types of questions.  However, this is also really hard to do when I have so many things going on at once.  So, I am going to answer this question by sharing several photos accompanied with […]