Amanda Wilp

  • Math Warm Ups!

    What morning procedures do you have each day?  I have the standard ones, such as turn in homework, sharpen pencils, and go to the restroom.  From there, rather than the typical morning work that I have previously used, I have began to implement Math Warm Ups.  If you followed my Guided Math Book Study this […]


  • Math Journals!

    This year, I have tried to put a strong emphasis on having my students be able to describe the processes and concepts behind each of our skills that we work on.  I’m not going to lie, this has been HARD! As I plan for each unit, I develop a prompt to support the daily skill […]


  • Mastering Math Facts!

    Hey there!  I’ve missed you all!  My post today is one that I have slaved over for WEEKS!  Seriously.  I don’t know about you but many of my fifth grade students are really struggling with basic multiplication facts.  It’s sad to see them understanding HOW to do things but not be able to complete them […]


  • Teaching with Intention {Chapter Three}

    So I think it’s safe to say that classroom environment is important.  I am also willing to bet that something stated in your beliefs on education that you have been pondering about (and hopefully recording :D) regard the environment of your classroom.  The environment sets the tone for what happens in the classroom throughout the […]


  • Inside My Flipped Classroom!

    Hey there!  Did anyone notice that I have fallen off the blog planet lately?  You know how the first several weeks are perfect and you have everything planned, copied, and ready to go…then real life hits you and you are SwAmPeD?!?!?!  That has been me these last couple of days!  But today, I had to […]


  • I Heart Math Centers {Choice Boards}

    Hey there!  Welcome back to my second post in my I Heart Math Centers series!  I am so excited to share this post with you as well.  Today’s post is all about my Choice Boards Center.   To make this center possible, I discovered the ever-wonderful Jennifer at Teaching to Inspire in 5th‘s 5th Grade Common […]