Amanda Wilp

  • Hoppy Easter!

    Hoppy Easter!  My friends and I from Upper Grade Memoirs are teaming up to bring you a little spring fun on this Easter weekend.  Thanks to the TimeHop app, I was reminded of a fun experiment that my daughter and I did a few years ago with hard boiled eggs.  I couldn’t help but find […]


  • Together We Are Better {Schedules}

    Schedules!  Why is it that teachers like to hear about how other teachers organize their days?  I always love to hear and see what fellow teachers do throughout the day!  As a departmentalized teacher in upper elementary, my schedule is rather CRAZY but I love it! Morning Meeting After announcements, we meet at the carpet […]


  • Math Center PHOTO Overload!!!!

    Recently, I had a few followers ask about what my room and math centers look like.  I LOVE answering these types of questions.  However, this is also really hard to do when I have so many things going on at once.  So, I am going to answer this question by sharing several photos accompanied with […]


  • Shape Clubs!

    Last week, I wrapped up my unit on shapes.  More specifically, shape hierarchy.  My kids had a good basis for shapes and terminology such as opposite angles and parallel lines but couldn’t connect how some shapes could be classified in more than one category.  I mean, is it just me, or is this a difficult […]


  • 2015 Teacher Tool Gift Exchange Linky!

    Last weekend, I attended the Spring Blogger Meet up in French Lick, Indiana.  We had over 100 teachers and bloggers in one room.  Let me tell ya, it was amazing!  We were able to share ideas about our teaching and our blogging.  It was so inspirational and rejuvenating! Now, if there is one thing that […]


  • Easy as Pi! :)

    Do you ever get really ambitious and have a long list of things that you want to do but just don’t have the time to make it actually happen?  I do!  In my head, it is all totally possible.  BUUUUUT, in the end, I just don’t have enough hours in the day.  To make my life […]