It’s almost that time! Depending on where you live, you will soon be seeing sales for school supplies. For us teachers seeing those school supplies can put us into two moods. First mood is give me all the school supplies I can get because who doesn’t love new supplies for school? The another mood is summer is not over so do not even think about getting out those supplies! I am one where I get excited about new supplies and a new year! As a special education teacher in a resource room, what school supplies do I need most?!
We often don’t have students who are bringing in backpacks full of pencils, notebooks, and folders. It’s up to us to stock up for those particular students. I secretly love this! Below, you’ll find my supplies for the resource room that I find most valuable for students to use as well as what I need to keep myself organized and prep activities.
School Supplies You’ll Need Most for Student Use
- Notebooks
- Folders
- Pencils (a LOT of pencils!)
- Erasers
- Crayons
- Scissors
- Glue Sticks
- Markers
- Scented Markers
- Colored Pens
- Highlighters
- Post-It Notes
- Privacy Folders
- Math Manipulatives
- Hundreds Charts
- Multiplication Charts
- Spinners
- Dice
- Clipboards
Supplies You’ll Need to Stay Organized
- File Folders for Each Student (I like hanging file folders!)
- Binders
- Binder Tabs
- Post-It Notes
- Your Favorite Pens
- Calendar
- Highlighters
- Clipboards
Supplies You’ll Need to Prep Lessons & Activities
- Laminator
- Laminating Sheets
- Velcro
- Colored Printer Paper
- Cardstock
- Spring Loaded Scissors
- Paper Cutter
- Ziplock Bags
- Sharpies