
  • Exploring Volume: A FREE Hands-On Activity

    I feel like I’ve been filling my blog with so many geometry activities lately, and today will be no exception.  #sorrynotsorry  This is seriously one of my favorite units.  This week, we were finally ready to dive into three-dimensional objects! I partnered up my students, passed out a handful of blocks, and gave them a […]


  • Using Nets to Find Surface Area: A Free Math Activity

    Why does surface area have to be so intimidating?  My kids are excellent at calculating the areas of squares, rectangles, and triangles.  Buuuuuut, the second you throw multiple parts and pieces together, it becomes instantly overwhelming. To practice finding surface area, I passed out random nets to my students in class.  I asked them to […]


  • Area of a Triangle: Discovering the Formula

    My area and perimeter unit is seriously one of my favorite things to teach in fifth!  I love the formulas, the real life math experiences, and the hands on learning that can happen.  This week, I did a simple, yet totally powerful demonstration to help my students discover, and most of all remember, the formula […]


  • Unwrap a Gift from ME!

    I am going to make a crazy generalization here and say that you have about two weeks left before Christmas Break and you are EXHAUSTED with a HUGE list of things you’d like to get done before break… I close?  Now, I can’t make the to-do list disappear, but I can help provide you with […]