I absolutely love to use picture books to introduce, practice, or review reading comprehension skills, even my fifth graders LOVE hearing a great read aloud.
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Mentor Texts Your Students Will Love in February
Below you’ll find five great books that I love to read aloud in February, as well as suggestions for reading skills that you could cover while reading them. Mentor texts are a great way to engage your upper elementary students while reinforcing skills.

Groundhog’s Day Off

Mr. Goat’s Valentine
In this book, Mr. Goat gathers all sorts of disgusting, goat-like Valentine gifts for his first love, like a rotten egg and an old tin can. It’s cute and funny, and my students laughed at the crazy things that goat was planning to give to his first love and that he let the skunk spray him with “perfume”. On the last page, his first love opens the door. It’s his MOTHER, ya’ll. It’s so adorable, and sweet, and absolutely appeals to my mama-heart. This same cutesy love that I had for the book, made me feel like it was too baby-ish for my students. But is it also an ending that they don’t really see coming, making it PERFECT for predictions!

The Yuckiest, Stinkiest, Best Valentine Ever

The Red Hat
While Billy Hightower is standing on the rooftop of his apartment building on a windy day, he spots a girl in a red hat on the rooftop of the next building. He wants to introduce himself, so he writes a note on a paper airplane, which was caught by the wind and never received. He tried multiple ways to introduce himself, but the wind proves to be a problem. In the end, the wind helps them meet face to face.

Louise Loves Art
When she realizes that he has ruined her art in order to create his own, she is obviously upset but realizes that maybe his masterpiece deserves a little attention too.

If you are interested in the graphic organizers that I used in the pictures for this post, you can find them here . Included in the file, you find both digital and printable versions of each graphic organizer to coordinate with the mentor texts.

Where can I find your lists of Mentor Texts for the other strategies (e.g. Inferencing, Making Connections, etc)?